Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)

29 July 2022


Apart from using your SkillsFuture Credit or cash to pay for your WSQ Security Course at KnowledgeTree Training Centre, learners can also utilise their Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) if certain criteria and requirements are met.

In this article, we will provide a better understanding of PSEA usage to pay for your intended security course at KnowledgeTree Training Centre.

What is the Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)?

The PSEA is part of the Post-Secondary Education Scheme which is administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE). While the PSEA is opened automatically for all eligible Singaporeans from 17 years old to 31 years old, any unused PSEA funds will be transferred to their CPF (subjected to CPF usage rules). Once the PSEA funds are transferred to the CPF account, the PSEA account will be closed. For more information, please click here.

Where can I use my PSEA funds?

PSEA can be used to attend courses and/or programmes at the approved institutions:

  • Arts institutions
  • Autonomous universities
  • Institute of Technical Education (ITE)
  • National Institute of Early Childhood Development (NIEC)
  • Polytechnics
  • Public Agencies or private training providers
  • SG Enable
  • Singapore Institute of Legal Education (SILE)
  • Special education schools

KnowledgeTree Training Centre falls under the “Public Agencies or private training providers” category as it is one of the approved government-subsidised modular and short courses training provider. You may use your PSEA funds to offset the course fees for our approved Security Officer (SO) to Senior Security Supervisor (SSS) modules.

Checking PSEA funds

On a yearly basis, Singaporeans below 31 years old will receive a yearly statement of their PSEA balance at the end of March. Alternatively, you may call the PSEA hotline (24hours) at 6260 0777 to check your remaining funds.

How can I use my PSEA funds at KnowledgeTree Training Centre?

Course enrolment for PSEA users can only be assisted in person at our training centre as individual verification is required. Here is the summary of the steps to take to register for security courses at KnowledgeTree Training Centre using your PSEA funds:

  1. Do approach our friendly customer service staff and inform them that you wish to utilise your PSEA funds to offset the course fee when enrolling for your security course
  2. Our customer service staff will require you to check your PSEA balance at our counter to ensure that there are sufficient funds before they enrol you for the intended course
  3. Once your PSEA balance funds have been verified, our customer service staff will issue you with a PSEA application form to be completed
  4. Subsequently, we will assist to submit your completed PSEA application form to MOE for approval
  5. As the approval process by MOE may take up to 4 weeks to be completed, we strongly encourage learners to register for your intended security course minimally 4 weeks in advance
  6. As soon as we receive approval from MOE, we will send you a confirmation email at least 3 days before the course start date or earlier

What security courses should I attend if I am new to the security industry?

If you do not have any prior experience, you are required to complete the following 3 courses under the Basic Licencing Units (BLUs) with KnowledgeTree to be eligible for a security licence in Singapore. The 3 courses are as follows:

  1. Guard and Patrol (Provide Guard and Patrol Services) – PGPS
  2. Incident Response (Handle Security Incidents and Services) – HSIS
  3. Threat Observation (Recognise Terrorist Threat) – RTT

Once you have passed the 3 BLUs and attain  a security licence, you are able to further upgrade yourself by enrolling into our Senior Security Officer(SSO) courses or even our events security courses which allow you to qualify for events security jobs.

Read More…

How to get a PLRD Security Licence in 3 Simple Steps

How to be Security Officer (SO)

How to be Senior Security Officer (SSO)

Types of Jobs in the Security Industry