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Senior Security Supervisor Courses(SSS)

Catergory Description:

For existing Security Supervisor (SS), you will need to complete 3 Senior Security Supervisor (SSS) modules to be eligible to be promoted to SSS on the PWM and take on SSS level jobs.
COBD - Conduct Operation Briefing and Debriefing

Conduct Operation Briefing and Debriefing (COBD)

COBD equips security personnel with the necessary knowledge and skills to plan, assess and manage security operations......
DSE - Deploy Security Equipment

Deploy Security Equipment (DSE)

DSE equips security personnel with the knowledge and skills to identify gaps and make recommendations to a security s......
MRSO - Monitor and Review Security Operations

Monitor and Review Security Operations (MRSO)

MRSO is a SSS course that equips security personnel with the knowledge and skills to monitor the security team during......
PMRDCCC thumbnail

Perform Monitoring and Reporting Duties at Central Command Centre (PMRDCCC)

PMRDCCC equips security personnel with the knowledge and skills to analyse and identify root causes of reoccurring in......